
1- European Commission -  the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning- European reference framework, Brussels, 2007.

The Key competences is an annex of a Recommandation published in December 2006 in the Official Journal of the European Union. Ot is one of the outcomes of the joint work of the European Commission and Member States within the Educaiton and Training 2010 Work Programme which is the over-arching framework for policy cooperation in the area of educaiton and training, and is based on commonly agreed objectives, indicators and benchmarks, peer-learning and dissemination of best practice.

2- Cedefop, European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning, Luxembourg, 2009.
These European guidelines on validating non-formal and informal learning result from more than two years' cooperation between European countries in the cluster on recognition of learning outcomes and the Educaiton and training 2010 process. While referring to the common principles on identifying and validating nonformal and informal learning, adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2004, these guidelines provide expert advice to be used voluntarily by stakeholders at national and local events.

3- Euridyce, Adults in formal education: policies and practice in Europe, Brussels, 2011
Five key areas for action in the field of adult education and training are: to analyse the effect of reforms in all sectors of education and training on adult learning ; to improve the quality of provision in the adult larning sector ; to increase the opportunities for adults to achieve a qualification at least one level higher than before ; to speed up the process of assessment of skills and social competences and their validation and recognition in terms of learning outcomes ; to improve the monitoring of the adult learning sector.

4-  UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning- UIL- the latest issues of Nexus, the quarterly newsletter of the
They tackled the issues of Adult  Learnin and Education , Lifelong learning perspectives and the Basic & Literacy Skills

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